Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Vodafone does it again!

Vodafone with the ZooZoos campaign really proved how effective marketing and brand building is not only about the large, expensive ads with big stars.

I just saw this new Blackberry ad - and it is perfect! Wonderful way to get across the message about Blackberry not being for the old office boys anymore. What is even better is that Vodafone has still stayed with the simple ad shoot -- one room - lots of people - simple dance moves - a nice jingle and very simple - precise - lyrics. See for yourself and tell me what you think.


  1. The steps look cool..the jingle with suit on is kinda funny:) Docomo music was better...

  2. I love these ads. Very creative! What might be the best Indian ads for 2010?

  3. So true - simple, yet effective and catchy!
